Bid Schedule

bid due Feb 20 2:00 PM
Argonne Road, Empire to Liberty Congestion Relief - City of Spokane Millwood, WA
Improvements to Argonne Road in the City of Millwood. This project has a 11% DBE goal. N.A. Degerstrom is seeking quotes from qualified DBE firms for all scopes of…
bid due Feb 21 10:00 AM
Sprague Ave Ped Xings - City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley, WA

Construct pedestrian improvements. 

bid due Feb 25 1:00 PM
FY25 D1 I-90 Bridge Repairs Wallace, ID

This project consists of bridge preservation on 6 bridges in District 1 along the I-90 corridor between MP 59.00 and MP 61.25. This project has a 14% DBE goal. N.A. Degerstrom is seeking quotes from qualified DBE firms for all…

bid due Feb 27 1:30 PM
Holmes Road over Lawyer Creek Bridge Replacement Idaho County, ID

This proposal is for the contractor to remove the existing steel girder bridge and replace it with a single span pre-stressed concrete voided slab bridge with reinforced concrete abutments.

bid due Mar 03 10:00 AM
South Touchet Bridge Repairs - Columbia County Dayton, WA

Bridge repairs over the Touchet River. 

bid due Mar 05 1:00 PM
Taxiway A Phase 2 - Spokane International Airport Spokane, WA

Reconstruct Taxiway A at Spokane International Airport. This project has a 2.1% DBE contract goal. NA Degerstrom is seeking quotes from certified DBE firms for all scopes of work on this project. 

The Contractor in accordance to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat.252, 42 U.S. Code 2000d to 2000d-4, and Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color national origin and sex in consideration for an award.